Our expertise in Spain & Portugal

International Paper has decades of experience and unmatched know-how serving customers across multiple sectors, including fruit & vegetable, food & beverage, e-commerce and many industrial segments. Active in Spain & Portugal since the 1960ies, we are always close to you and ready to meet your needs via our eleven packaging facilities.

A single point of contact for all your packaging needs, we offer complete, superior-value packaging solutions with best-in-class services and logistics. Choose from all types of corrugated packaging, including triple-wall for heavy duty applications, as well as cardboard and wooden packaging.

With International Paper you will get the most value-added, sustainable solution matching your specific requirements, using virgin or recycled fibers as appropriate. Our specialists take into account promotion and presentation, protection and safety, plastic substitution, waste reduction, and life-cycle assessment, and more. Add to that print solutions, performance testing, supply-chain optimization along with tray-erecting equipment and services. And rest assured, our efficient production and printing processes respect the environment.

We also make Prime™, our own high-quality recycled containerboard grade at our mill in Fuenlabrada (Madrid). The mill is supplied by our associated recycling operation CARPA, one of the biggest collectors of paper-based materials in central Spain.

Our facilities have received leading certifications such as environmental (FSC™, PEFC, ISO 14001), quality (ISO 9001), occupational health and safety (ISO 45001), and food safety (BRC), among others. For more information, reach out to your local International Paper contact.

Looking for a trusted specialist in paper-based packaging? Contact us today.

Close to you

We serve you across the country through a network of plants.

International Paper Iberia
International Paper - Iberia
Carpa Recycling

Our recycling operations in Spain play a key role in how we bring the circular economy to life.

recycling bales

What's new in Spain & Portugal

Where to find us

Our presence in Spain

  • Spain and Portugal Head Office

    International Paper
    Cartonajes International, S.L.,

    Oquendo, 23 - 2
    28006 Madrid

    Tel.: +34 91 555 71 41

  • Barcelona

    International Paper
    Cartonajes International, S.L. (CARTISA)

    Ctra. Martorell a Tarrasa Km. 5
    08755 Castellbisbal (Barcelona)

    Tel.: Sales +34 93 775 12 04
    Email: ventas.barcelona@ipaper.com

  • Bilbao

    International Paper
    Cartonajes International, S.L. (CARTISA)

    Polígono Bentako Erreka s/n
    Carretera Nacional 625, Km. 380,5
    48480 Arrigorriaga (Vizcaya)

    Tel.: Sales +34 946 71 33 75
    Email: ventas.bilbao@ipaper.com

  • Gandía

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Camino Viejo del Grao, s/n
    46700 Gandía (Valencia)

    Tel.: +34 96 284 03 50
    Email: ventas.gandia@ipaper.com

  • Las Palmas

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Ctra. General de El Goro, 73
    35215 Telde (Las Palmas)

    Tel.: Sales +34 928 57 43 72
    Email: ventas.laspalmas@ipaper.com

    Subsidies Canary Islands

    International Paper’s industrial facilities in the Canary Islands are a beneficiary of compensation under the regime for the maritime and air transport of goods with origin or destination in the Canary Islands, established by the Government of Spain. The purpose of this regime is to compensate for extra costs affecting the traffic of goods not included in Annex I of the Constitutive Treaty of the European Community, due to the distance of the Canary Islands from the peninsular territory and the European Union.

    These state funds are co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund for the Outermost Regions (ERDF) under the 2021-2027 Operational Program ‘Europa se siente’.

    Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional destinado a las Regiones Ultraperiféricas (FEDER) , Programa Operativo 2021-2027, “Europa se siente”.
  • Madrid - Fuenlabrada

    International Paper Madrid Mill S.L.U.

    Parque Industrial "La Cantueña"
    c/ del Papel, 1
    28947 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)

    Tel.: +34 91 642 0603
    Fax: +34 91 642 2470
    Email: madrid.mill@ipaper.com


    Quality, Environmental and Energy Management Polícy (English - Español)

  • Madrid – Fuenlabrada (CARPA)

    CARPA, Cartón y Papel Reciclado S.A.

    Parque Industrial "La Cantueña"
    c/ del Papel, 1
    28947 Fuenlabrada (Madrid)

    Tel.: +34 91 371 65 70
    Email: infocarpa@ipaper.com

  • Madrid - Griñón

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Ctra. Fuenlabrada a Griñón, km. 6,700
    28971 Griñón (Madrid)

    Tel.: +34 91 814 92 00

  • Madrid - Villalbilla

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Polígono Industrial Prado Ancho
    c/ Francisco Javier Sáenz de Oiza, 24
    28810 Villalbilla (Madrid)

    Tel.: +34 91 888 13 50
    Email: ventas.madrid@ipaper.com

    Photovoltaic installation for self-consumption

    Project under the incentive program linked to self-consumption and storage, with renewable energy sources, as well as the implementation of renewable thermal systems in the residential sector within the framework of the Recovery, Transformation and Resilience Plan, financed by the European Union - NextGenerationEU.

    Click here to see the subsidy certificate.

    Photovoltaic installation for self consumption
  • Montblanc

    International Paper
    Cartonajes International, S.L.

    Carretera Tarragona - Lleida, Km 35.5,
    43400 Montblanc, Tarragona

    Tel: +34 977 86 09 00
    E-mail address: info.montblanc@ipaper.com

  • Tavernes (Grupo Envases Grau)

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L.

    Ctra. Tavernes-Lliria, Pk. 3
    46760 Tavernes de la Valldigna (Valencia)

    Tel.: +34 96 282 40 04
    Fax: +34 96 282 18 96
    Email address: envasesgrau@ipaper.com

  • Tenerife

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Laderita del Pilar, 2 El Chorrillo
    38107 Santa Cruz de Tenerife

    Tel.: +34 922 62 91 21
    Email: ventas.tenerife@ipaper.com

    Subsidies Canary Islands

    International Paper’s industrial facilities in the Canary Islands are a beneficiary of compensation under the regime for the maritime and air transport of goods with origin or destination in the Canary Islands, established by the Government of Spain. The purpose of this regime is to compensate for extra costs affecting the traffic of goods not included in Annex I of the Constitutive Treaty of the European Community, due to the distance of the Canary Islands from the peninsular territory and the European Union.

    These state funds are co-financed with the European Regional Development Fund for the Outermost Regions (ERDF) under the 2021-2027 Operational Program ‘Europa se siente’.

    Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional destinado a las Regiones Ultraperiféricas (FEDER) , Programa Operativo 2021-2027, “Europa se siente”.
  • Valls

    International Paper
    Cartonajes Unión, S.L. (CUSA)

    Carretera del Pla, 229 Polígono Industrial
    43800 Valls (Tarragona)

    Tel.: +34 977 60 11 15
    Email: valls.comercial@ipaper.com

Our presence in Portugal

  • Ovar

    International Paper Cartovar, S.A.

    Zona Industrial - Av. 16 de Maio, L.16.
    3880-102 OVAR

    Tel.: +351 256 579 360
    Fax.: +351 256 579 368

Specific projects in Portugal

  • Ovar - Industry Decarbonization - Project 4979 (#BuildTheFuture)

    Project designationIP Industry Decarbonization
    Universal code4979
    Main goalInternational Paper, one of the most important producers of sheets and cardboard packaging in Iberia, intends to carry out a project whose main objective is the decarbonization of its industrial activity by increasing the efficiency of the energy production by thermal process. The investment will improve the performance of the condensate recovery system at our facility located in Ovar, through a new proportional type control system that will be integrated into the current condensate recovery equipment (CRU – condensate recovery unit).
    Beneficiary EntityInternational Paper Cartovar, S.A.
    Intervention typologyAdoption of energy efficiency measures in industry
    Intervention domain024ter - Energy efficiency and demonstration projects in small and medium enterprise or large companies and support measures that meet energy efficiency criteria.
    Date of approval11-04-23
    Start date01-03-23
    Conclusion date28-02-25
    Total eligible cost245,000.00
    Financial support 159,250.00
    EMEA - IP Industry Decarbonization
  • Ovar - Eco 2020 - FEDER Project #023455

    Project designationECO 2020
    Universal codePOCI-01-0249-FEDER-023455
    Main goalThis project stems from the growth strategy defined by the company, and consists in the implementation of a new card board production line, fully automated, and a new line for the production of cardboard packaging, structurally more complex.
    Beneficiary EntityInternational Paper Cartovar, S.A.
    Purpose ThemeOT 1 - Strengthening research, technological development and innovation
    Intervention typologyTI 49 – Non-SME Innovation business investment
    Date of approval15/03/2017
    Start date01/01/2017
    Conclusion date31/12/2018
    Total eligible cost4,530,000.00
    Financial support2,038,500.00

    Logo Feder
Packaging image option complete

Looking for a trusted specialist in paper-based packaging in Spain or Portugal?